Turquoise Grasshopper

“Nature and art release sides in ourselves that our social identities don't allow."  ~John Elder

Turquoise Grasshopper Productions™ is a vehicle for performance, public speaking, and creative projects to teach about healing and trauma recovery through self-love & self-care, spiritual practice, creative expression, and natural holistic lifestyle.

Grasshopper medicine animal is a totem for many musicians, dancers, and artists as a symbol of freedom, song, balance, and creativity.

TGP™ reaches the public through independent productions and community collaborations with conscious individuals, groups, non-profits, and for-profits committed to community and positive social and environmental justice and change; love-based reality...

With past lived experience of mental illness and a survivor of abuse (now thriver), I'm trained to address trauma and work as a somatic recovery coach & spiritual guide through dance, choreography, breath work, fitness (sacred core-pelvic specialist), and massage therapist. This is the foundation for my commitment to support others to find their way back to themselves, their bodies, and their creative expression to live in joy and health.

How did I get the name Turquoise Grasshopper?
What does it mean?

Scroll down to the bottom of this page to read more…

“You’re not a victim for telling your story. You are a survivor setting the world on fire with your truth. And you never know who needs your light, your warmth and raging courage.”
-Alex Elle

Conscious Performance & Choreography

Performance is a vehicle for self-exploration, sharing a message, and inspiring others to open their hearts and consider new perspectives and realities.

Public Speaking

Podcasts, Collaborations, Community Events, & Conferences. From podcasts to conferences to community organizations, and gatherings…I share my recovery story and speak about the healing power of spiritual healing/faith, nature, dance, fitness, healthy lifestyle, and creative expression.

How did I get the name, Turquoise Grasshopper?

“Grasshopper?” I asked myself.
"Why do I look and feel like a grasshopper when I'm dancing? What does it mean??"

Grasshopper medicine was speaking to my soul.
Then I got the message: "Grasshopper Productions"

After asking Spirit with more prayer, meditation, visioning, and inquiry into finding a unique name, I knew it was a TURQUOISE GRASSHOPPER.

Beyond my own intuition, I did research...

Meaning of

Meaning of “Turquoise”

“The dancer will not belong to any nation but to all humanity.”

— Isadora Duncan